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Deal or No Deal Game Stats for
Rachael 15/11/06

Below you will find a complete game breakdown for above game of Deal or No Deal.

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Round 1

Box No.
Bankers offer
No Deal

Round 2

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 3

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 4

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 5

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Round 6 - Proveout Round

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Contestants Box


Remaining box - 4
Rachael takes home

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Rachael's Game Report

Noel shouts the Deal or No Deal question at us today, but cracks up laughing just before the opening titles roll!!! Shirtwatch - Noel has a shirt that matches his hair today!

It's Rachael's turn in the crazy chair today with box 20, Noel asks if she has been to a carboot sale as she has so many things on top of her box for luck! She has her boyfriend, mum and aunty in the audience for support today.

Round 1
13 - £250
3 - £3,000
17 - £1
14 - £5,000
18 - £5

Rachael is happy with the start as are all her family and friends in the audience, Noel says the banker won't be happy! The banker calls and makes an opening offer of £62.50! But with £13,000 in front of it, so it's £13,062.50. Rachael goes to Steve who says it's a great offer but she should keep rubbing her belly and carry on! It refers to a gift of a little Buddha that Steve gave to Rachael for luck, Rachael says NO DEAL.

Round 2
16 - £100
Noel asks is this going too well and Rachael says DON'T JINX IT!!!
12 - £10,000 NOEL!!!!
15 - £750

Noel says that is VERY alright, Rachael says that the £250,000 is sat in front of her, Noel talks about it yet again but then apologises to us for mentioning it all the time!! The banker calls and says he has been rubbing his belly! And offers £18,800. Rachael says it's a fantastic offer, Neil agrees and says that if you do go on you will take out reds, just make sure they are the low ones, Rachael says NO DEAL.

Round 3
10 - £100,000 groans all around the studio
19 - £1,000
21 - £50

Rachael says she needed the reality check there, Noel goes to Ned for his opinion, he reckons the banker will up the offer. The banker says Ned is impressing him, Noel asks if the banker is going off Neil now, the banker says he is saving him for bathtime! And offers £18,800.

Rachael thinks the banker is playing mind games, but she has played a few herself and never lost. The banker calls back and speaks to Rachael!! Rachael tells him she is a very powerful woman, he says wouldn't it be a shame for her mum, aunty and boyfriend to see her first defeat!! Rachael says NO DEAL.

Round 4
11 - 50p
7 - £10
Noel builds up the tension for a possible all blue round
1 - £75,000 a few groans

Rachael says it's another reality check, but it's still a strong board. The banker offers £20,000, Noel goes to Ned again, who says the banker is still playing mind games as he could have gone a lot higher there. Rachael turns to her mum and says don't worry I'm not losing focus, and follows by saying NO DEAL.

Round 5
Noel asks for a positive round
6 - £50,000 a few ooohs
Rachael goes to Alasdair and then pauses due to his reputation, she decides to stick with him though.
9 - £35,000 Alasdair lives up to his Terminator reputation
2 - 1p

Noel says it was a horrible round with a sweet tail, the banker wants a chat with Rachael's mum. Mum describes Rachael to the banker in a positive way, the banker offers £30,000. Deary me, deary me says Noel, Rachael wants a sweep and everyone has to answer!!!! Noel makes everyone answer and 7 say NO DEAL, Rachael says DEAL.

Noel says he is thrilled for Rachael but wonders if it was the right decision, Rachael says if she was in a stronger financial situation she would have played on.

Round 6 - proveout round
5 - £500
22 - 10p All the blues have gone and only reds remain
8 - £250,000 PHEW!!!! The whole studio loves that

Noel loved that and the banker says congratulations to Rachael and says he would have offered £17,500 at that stage. Rachael says she would have played on there.

Noel opens Rachael's box 20 and reveals £20,000, box 4 contains £15,000.

Rachael says she very happy and is now lucky and rich!


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