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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:42 pm    Author: Davao    Post subject: Re: 17/10 Jane

Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:29 pm
Location: Blackpool
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No problem.:) Let us know the reply from them


Dr. Hindsight

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:25 pm    Author: Dr. Hindsight    Post subject: Re: 17/10 Jane

Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:09 pm
Location: Eternal Freedom
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Skyline wrote:
Dr. Hindsight wrote:
Because psychological warfare is fun, and it's equally fun to see contestants try to defend their stupidity.

My (real) name is Mark David, and I am somewhat evil.

Also, this is snowballing rather quickly.

As long as you're having fun, I guess.

We all have our weird ways of having fun. One of my ways is a ride on the top deck sitting at the front on a Scania OmniCity on a good route end-to-end!

That must be great fun. We have Alexander Dennis Enviro500s running for GO Transit here, and like you, I also enjoy riding on the top deck. The only issue is the lower clearance. I can't tell you how many times I've bumped my head when getting up from my seat. That's what I get for being tall, I guess.

I have berated my last contestant and have nothing else to say. Roll credits. Fade to black. | Dr. Hindsight | April 18, 2006 - December 7, 2023



PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:48 am    Author: Skyline    Post subject: Re: 17/10 Jane
Forum Games Moderator

Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:42 pm
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Dr. Hindsight wrote:
Skyline wrote:
Dr. Hindsight wrote:
Because psychological warfare is fun, and it's equally fun to see contestants try to defend their stupidity.

My (real) name is Mark David, and I am somewhat evil.

Also, this is snowballing rather quickly.

As long as you're having fun, I guess.

We all have our weird ways of having fun. One of my ways is a ride on the top deck sitting at the front on a Scania OmniCity on a good route end-to-end!

That must be great fun. We have Alexander Dennis Enviro500s running for GO Transit here, and like you, I also enjoy riding on the top deck. The only issue is the lower clearance. I can't tell you how many times I've bumped my head when getting up from my seat. That's what I get for being tall, I guess.

Enviro500s! Awesome. There's none of them in the fleet in London, sadly, we instead get plenty of shorter Enviro400s instead. The diesel buses are a bit boring but the hybrids are fantastic!

Visit St. Jacques - The New Home For Flash Deal or No Deal Games! (Under Construction)


Dr. Hindsight

PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:02 pm    Author: Dr. Hindsight    Post subject: Re: 17/10 Jane

Joined: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:09 pm
Location: Eternal Freedom
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Skyline wrote:
Dr. Hindsight wrote:
Skyline wrote:
Dr. Hindsight wrote:
Because psychological warfare is fun, and it's equally fun to see contestants try to defend their stupidity.

My (real) name is Mark David, and I am somewhat evil.

Also, this is snowballing rather quickly.

As long as you're having fun, I guess.

We all have our weird ways of having fun. One of my ways is a ride on the top deck sitting at the front on a Scania OmniCity on a good route end-to-end!

That must be great fun. We have Alexander Dennis Enviro500s running for GO Transit here, and like you, I also enjoy riding on the top deck. The only issue is the lower clearance. I can't tell you how many times I've bumped my head when getting up from my seat. That's what I get for being tall, I guess.

Enviro500s! Awesome. There's none of them in the fleet in London, sadly, we instead get plenty of shorter Enviro400s instead. The diesel buses are a bit boring but the hybrids are fantastic!

A few years ago, the Toronto Transit Commission's single-deck Orion VII NG hybrids were among the worst vehicles in the fleet. Some people nicknamed them "dybrids" because they would often die mid-route, causing delays and frustrating everyone. Since then, the problems have been worked out, the batteries replaced with a different model, and the buses have become more reliable as a result.

None of GO Transit's Enviro500s are hybrids, although they do offer a very comfortable ride, so much so that you can get a great nap on a long-distance trip.

I have berated my last contestant and have nothing else to say. Roll credits. Fade to black. | Dr. Hindsight | April 18, 2006 - December 7, 2023



PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:09 pm    Author: kayjay    Post subject: Re: 17/10 Jane

Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:45 pm
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kall4i59 wrote:
No problem.:) Let us know the reply from them


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BUT it still hasn't appeared on my 4od nor has yesterdays (TV schedule lists it on at 1.30pm) although todays programme is available to watch.
Will be replying as per invitation!
Thanks again for assistance

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