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PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:54 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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Stephen opens Katie's box 7 and she wins £5

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:55 pm    Author: h2005    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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Stephen says he's pleased that Katie spoke about her nan and how she watched the show when Noel did it, plus she played on like she wanted to do.

Box 9 with Pete has the £50

Ex-DoND contestant (show #992, 23 March 2009)




PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:58 pm    Author: higginson_ronan    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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Yeah, that was far too luck-pushing there!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:59 pm    Author: Davao    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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At least she played true to herself,and carried on.

Showed a lot of courage to play on and I have to admire her for it.

Sorry Katie! When people take risks, they deserve to be rewarded.

Ignore the haters on the forums, social media.

Nice girl, really liked her!


Aaron Brock

PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 6:00 pm    Author: Aaron Brock    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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I wouldn't personally have pushed past that £7,500 but it was far from a silly gamble, shame it didn't work out for her!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:18 pm    Author: psychokiller    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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More trash for the bonfire. Gonna be a mighty blaze at this rate. Shouldn't even bother airing these.

She deserved even less than a fiver tbh. I've just today bought the entire Breaking Bad series on DVD for that exact amount. £5 can go places if that's evidence enough.

Inconsistent recklessness like hers ought to have seen her handed a wet paper bag full of aged coleslaw.



PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:42 pm    Author: matt26    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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Well, that was exciting television if nothing else!

Lots of difficult decisions to make in this game, and there was tension right up until 2 box. Turning down 7.5k was a shocking decision but she took it well when it didn't go her way and you can't say fairer than that.

A shame that we've had two consecutive blue wins just four shows in though. Hoping tomorrow's contestant does better.



PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:16 pm    Author: KP    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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That was certainly not the decision I'd have made to say the very least - even if you assume the final offer will be the mean you're risking £7.5k for a 2/3 chance of another £5k and I'm not sure I fancy those pot odds - but she's the one living with the consequences. Contestants are always going to take certain shortcuts to try and simplify their decisions, and Katie clearly chose the YOLO one. That would have had spectacular results on Tuesday, but it turned out she got chosen for a game where she had a blue on the table, and so she won it. Mostly I'm surprised that a 20-episode sample, in 2023, with Not Noel hosting could produce a game like this!

DoND is a game of luck and deciding how much you can face the consequences of not having it. Katie decided she extremely could face those consequences, and it turned out she needed to.

Champion of RTaB S6, creator of unorthodox DoND rulesets, and founder member of #teambat.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 10:57 pm    Author: James1978    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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Hmm, I did fear the worst when she implied she followed the Noel-era shows closely which on the new cut-price board I knew would be a problem. Even though the last 3 4-figure offers she got were all good for the board and I was shouting "Deal" at the £4,900 and even more so the £7,500, those sort of wins back then would have seemed like bit of a disappointment so she felt she had to push for more while £25k was still available. I did think on Monday Sian's 5-box (4 of the top 6 reds and 1 blue) was possibly about the strongest you might get in a 20-show series and even that "only" produced a just above average win in the old format. Think we're going to have to detach ourselves from the old format!


"22 identical sealed boxes, and no questions except a poor deal for an easy few thousand or be brave and win a blue!"



PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:38 pm    Author: ChristyCooper    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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I'm a little bit biased as I was in the audience for both shows but Raj and Katie seemed like two of the loveliest contestants on the show and it's a shame they both had blue amounts in their bag. I think I took to these two particularly because I get the sense that some of the contestants on this new series are doing it just to get their face on the telly, but Raj and Katie seemed to be genuinely doing it for the experience- Katie in particular seems like a massive fan of the original series.

A little behind-the-scenes blooper- when Katie's name was revealed and she was walking from the wings over to Stephen, her nametag fell off. This was cut out of the main show- I feel like it would've been left in the Noel version. I'm enjoying this current show but it does feel a little bit too slick and overproduced, and it's somewhat missing that 'culty' feel of the original series.



PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:59 pm    Author: psychokiller    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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ChristyCooper wrote:
I'm enjoying this current show but it does feel a little bit too slick and overproduced, and it's somewhat missing that 'culty' feel of the original series.

Yeah the original was janky as hell looking back on it - and it was perfect. Nobody else could have hosted the culty, 'underground' version other than Noel, one of the most intriguing humans to have ever appeared on telly, let alone presented it. It felt like somebody had happened upon a social club improvising their own little game and started shooting it on a Panasonic. Noel was very effective at creating the 'Banker' too, you could almost suspend your belief that there really was a geriatric fat cat at the end of the line portioning out his fortune by essentially playing a gigantic game of poker with himself.

This version... is just a game show. It's fine, but it's a curious show to revive at this moment. It's not been off air all that long for the 'nostalgia' purposes and, as you said, it's a bit too polished to be a direct resumption of the unique definitive article.


Simon F

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:02 am    Author: Simon F    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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I can't remember anyone picking numbers at random from a bag before (but I could be wrong).

Lovely player, had a very good offer at 3-box that she said she was an OHO, was an understandable decision for her that didn't work out.

Back to games I know nothing about after the last 2 now that I saw live.

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Dr. Hindsight

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:49 am    Author: Dr. Hindsight    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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I’ve run out of things to say about this show, so rather than actually express any real opinions, I’m letting an AI meme generator take over. So you can essentially call me MarkGPT now.

Buttons for Deal or No Deal contestants.


I have berated my last contestant and have nothing else to say. Roll credits. Fade to black. | Dr. Hindsight | April 18, 2006 - December 7, 2023

Last edited by Dr. Hindsight on Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 1:50 am    Author: johnr    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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ChristyCooper wrote:
I'm a little bit biased as I was in the audience for both shows but Raj and Katie seemed like two of the loveliest contestants on the show and it's a shame they both had blue amounts in their bag. I think I took to these two particularly because I get the sense that some of the contestants on this new series are doing it just to get their face on the telly, but Raj and Katie seemed to be genuinely doing it for the experience- Katie in particular seems like a massive fan of the original series.

A little behind-the-scenes blooper- when Katie's name was revealed and she was walking from the wings over to Stephen, her nametag fell off. This was cut out of the main show- I feel like it would've been left in the Noel version. I'm enjoying this current show but it does feel a little bit too slick and overproduced, and it's somewhat missing that 'culty' feel of the original series.

It felt like Stephen was genuinely expecting a photo of Katie and her gran on the screen instead of her gran and a dog today? :lol:

Also were the audience encouraged to boo at some of the offers where appropriate or did that just occur naturally? My recordings the audience just didn't react at all to some of the offers so I can see why they may have wanted to change that as it looked a bit awkward on TV!



PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:04 am    Author: ChristyCooper    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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johnr wrote:
ChristyCooper wrote:
I'm a little bit biased as I was in the audience for both shows but Raj and Katie seemed like two of the loveliest contestants on the show and it's a shame they both had blue amounts in their bag. I think I took to these two particularly because I get the sense that some of the contestants on this new series are doing it just to get their face on the telly, but Raj and Katie seemed to be genuinely doing it for the experience- Katie in particular seems like a massive fan of the original series.

A little behind-the-scenes blooper- when Katie's name was revealed and she was walking from the wings over to Stephen, her nametag fell off. This was cut out of the main show- I feel like it would've been left in the Noel version. I'm enjoying this current show but it does feel a little bit too slick and overproduced, and it's somewhat missing that 'culty' feel of the original series.

It felt like Stephen was genuinely expecting a photo of Katie and her gran on the screen instead of her gran and a dog today? :lol:

Also were the audience encouraged to boo at some of the offers where appropriate or did that just occur naturally? My recordings the audience just didn't react at all to some of the offers so I can see why they may have wanted to change that as it looked a bit awkward on TV!

Yes, Stephen was expecting a picture of Katie- at least they're leaving *some* bloopers in, but I'm almost certain they would've left in her nametag falling off in the Noel version.

and the audience weren't encouraged to boo- it happened naturally. The front row of the first section of the audience (the section you see the least on screen) was filled with Stephen's lovely hyper fangirls who were getting really invested and engaged in the game and were definitely the most interactive of the crowd, and I think that's where the booing the banker started.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:10 am    Author: cfd    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie

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Fair play that was a very generous 3-box offer so maybe some of these prove outs haven't been the complete lies I thought.

Gutsy gamble it has to be said. Not one many would take including myself.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 9:19 pm    Author: Power5    Post subject: Re: 23/11 Katie
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Spirit of Wakey Nan cost her there! The three-box offer was generous but not enough to tempt her. Backs up my theory that games that never hit five figures will usually go on to the bitter end.

Oh and five others, guess I need to update this!

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