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Deal or No Deal Game Stats for
Adam 12/09/06

Below you will find a complete game breakdown for above game of Deal or No Deal.

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Round 1

Box No.
Bankers offer


No Deal

Round 2

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 3

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 4

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Round 5 - Proveout Round

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Round 6 - Proveout Round

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Contestants Box


Remaining box - 12
Adam takes home

Adam's Game Report

We are very slowly getting closer to the £4million mark for the contestants, just under £30k until it's passed, with the way recent games have gone it may take a few more days yet, although I hope not.

Noel comments that we are about to hit the 250th show and there is something special for us on that landmark show (expect a BIG viewers comp prize for the show). He also points out that he's been checking the stats and it's been 46 shows since the £250,000 has last been on the 'pound table' and he reckons today could be the day for its return.....

Today's contestant at the 'pound table' is Adam who has box 13 today and is from Bristol so has not had too far to travel, he has his mum in the audience with him today. Adam was once signed as a professional football player for Southampton.

Round 1
15 - 1p great start gets a fantastic applause and cheer
5 - £50,000 greeted with 'oooohhhhs'
3 - £10,000 mixed reaction for the lower red
7 - £250,000 Both ends of the board get hit!!!!
9 - £500

Noel comments that the opening round has lately been destroyed by a lot of the contestants! Noel asks that as most footballers like a flutter does Adam? He says he has a little flutter in the past and a bit with his student grant!!! The banker calls and offers £4,500, Adam says NO DEAL.

Round 2
19 - £1
Adam goes to Matt with 20 but Matt wants Adam to leave him for a while, Adam decides to stick with his initial choice
20 - £10 good decision to stick with him though
4 - £100,000

Adam forgets how many boxes he has opened, which is not a good thing to do in the banker's eyes!! The banker calls and offers £1,717 - This offers relates to Adam's football shirt number in a photo he showed at the start of the game, Adam says NO DEAL.

Round 3
11 - £5,000
18 - £750
10 - £50

Noel decides to write 1,2,3 on Adam's hand to help remind him of how many boxes he has opened.
The banker makes an offer of £7,000. Adam says that is a lot of money and goes to his mum who agrees, he then goes for a sweep of the wings where everyone says NO DEAL - Adam agrees with this and says NO DEAL.

Round 4
6 - £35,000
17 - £15,000
2 - 10p
The £75,000 and £20,000 are very exposed now.

Noel reckons this could be a challenging offer next, the banker calls and says he needs to think about this offer - He calls back and has made his mind up and offers £9,000.

Noel goes to Adam's mum who says it's a nice offer, however it is his lucky year - Adam looks puzzled at that comment He goes for another sweep of the wings and Noel calls it short as Adam says he knows his decision already - DEAL

Round 5 - Proveout round
1 - £3,000
22 - £1,000
14 - £100
Groans from the audience after that round avoiding the 2 largest amounts on the board. Noel asks why Adam dealt early and he says he couldn't have risked it, he needed the money. The banker calls and says he would have offered £17,000 - Adam says he would have dealt there...

Round 6 - Proveout round

8 - 50p
16 - £75,000 cheers and applause + big relief from Adam
21 - £5

With £20,000 and £250 left the banker calls and would have made an offer of £4,500, Adam says he would have said NO DEAL.

Noel opens box 13 in front of Adam and reveals £20,000, Box 12 has the £250. Adam says he is disappointed but happy with the £9,000.

Yet another game goes wrong at the very start and doesn't really get a chance to get going and provide the contestant with a chance at a large win.


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