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Deal or No Deal Game Stats for
Barry 18/04/07

Below you will find a complete game breakdown for above game of Deal or No Deal.

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Round 1

Box No.
Bankers offer
No Deal

Round 2

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 3

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 4

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 5

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 6

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Contestants Box


Remaining box - 16
Barry takes home

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Barry's Deal or No Deal Game Report

Noel welcomes us all to another day at the dream factory. He runs through Joyce's game yesterday, and tells us how Joyce went on despite nearly getting offered her target at one point, and how it proved a good decision in the end. He does warn the contestants not to concentrate too much on their targets...

It’s Barry’s turn to take the walk of wealth today, and he does so with box 8. Barry asks if he can wear his glasses and Noel says of course, as it adds comedy value!!! Noel then takes the glasses and disappears off stage to do a repair on the glasses, we hear some banging and he returns with them straightened. Noel then tells us there is a special offer this week, of a 2-4-1 deal!! Barry introduces us to his daughter who is in the audience for support today. Noel asks Barry if it's all his own hair, and Barry replies of course it is, and he has it permed as it helps to keep all his dandruff in!!

Round 1
Newbie Paul first although Barry has trouble seeing his badge and calls him Phil
2 - £10,000
11 - £750
22 - £5 BIG CHEERS from Barry
Barry forgets how many boxes he has opened, so Noel goes over to the board and counts the gaps! Barry is then looking for a number and can't see it, as it's in front of him!!
18 - £35,000
3 - £75,000 Groans for that one

The banker says he can see a new dandruff campaign, ‘don't take 2 bottles into the shower, have a perm!!’ The banker also has a gift for Barry, and it’s a multicoloured bow-tie, pointed hat and red nose!! He now looks like a clown!! The Banker then offers £9,993, Barry has a feel of his box and says NO DEAL

Round 2
6 - £15,000
4 - 10p
Barry's daughter says she thinks it is time to be serious now...
Blue chants start
1 - 50p Big cheers for that one

The banker is now worried about the clown outfit! He says he is going to make an offer Head & Shoulders above the last offer! And offers £18,500. Barry goes to Phil for advice, he says it's a great offer, but with the board Barry has he can improve on that offer. Barry says NO DEAL

Round 3
20 - £250 Big shouts from Barry
12 - £100,000 Groans for that one, although Barry says it's alright
9 - £5,000

Barry says 8 is his favourite number and he has a good feeling that £250,000 is in his box. Noel tells the banker that no offer will be good enough and Barry is going 'til the end... The Banker offers £15,000, and Barry says NO DEAL

Round 4
Barry wants to get unlucky 13 out the way now
13 - £1 BIG CHEERS
5 - £50 More cheers
19 - £20,000

That round hasn't changed the belief that the £250,000 is in box 8 says Noel, and he then tells the banker that Barry will be the first male £250,000 winner. The Banker offers £26,000. Barry goes to Jackie who says it is a very good offer and if the £250,000 goes, he won't see that offer again. Barry then calls his daughter down for some advice, she tells him to think seriously about it. Noel then tells Barry to think carefully about it as well. Barry says NO DEAL

Round 5
10 - £250,000 BIG GROANS and SHOCK all around the studio
21 - 1p BIG CHEERS as the other end of the board goes
Blue chants start
7 - £10

The banker thinks he has beaten Barry now, and offers £6,500, and there are groans for the offer. Barry says NO DEAL

Round 6
17 - £3,000
15 - £100 BIG CHEERS for the blue
It's all on this next box says Noel
Blue chants start
14 - £500 BIG CHEERS

It’s time for The Banker with £1,000 and £50,000 remaining. C'mon £50,000 lets have you says Barry, and Noel says this is an amazing situation. The banker is worried that Barry is making a laughing stock of him now! And he offers £22,500

Barry asks for the question quickly, but Phil chips in that Barry should think seriously about this offer.... Barry says NO DEAL

Barry says he is convinced that £50,000 is in the box and not even £40,000 would have made him deal...

Noel opens box 8 and reveals £50,000. The whole studio goes wild

Box 16 contains the £1,000


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