Noel says we are all getting a bit crazy so near to the summer hols, as this is the penultimate game before the summer break.
It’s Carol’s turn to take the walk of wealth today, and she does so with box 5.Carol tells Noel she is really nervous, so Noel holds her hand to help calm her down...
She tells us how she met her husband while at work, and then goes on to say how she hopes all the gamma radiation she absorbed while at work will give her extra powers in her game!! Carol tells us a story about how she used to place bets for her mum when younger, and how rubbing the cash on her head before she placed the bet used to help! Noel then picks up the box and rubs it on her head for luck!!!!
Round 1
7 - £35,000 Groans for that, and Carol tells Jon off!!!
19 - £20,000 More groans and Noel tells Carol to retune!
Carol now picks on Brian for keeping his head down!!
13 - £250
3 - £5
12 - £75,000 Big groans and Noel calls Asim a stupid boy!!
Noel says he wanted a lovely pretty game for Carol, and she replies that it isn't over yet... The banker says he has really been looking forward to her game, and has noticed she is really accident-prone! Carol says she is! The banker replies that he has seen her tripping up all the time, and that one day she even forgot her bra! Carol is shocked that he knew that! Noel says the banker is now about to make her an offer, and Carol jumps in and asks is it a cash offer!! The offer is £6,000 + 2 half coconuts!! Carol says she would rather have 2 halves of melons! The banker calls back and says if she is offering melons it's a deal!!! Carol says
Round 2
8 - £50
17 - 50p
Carol thinks she should get Brian out the way now! Noel replies "Oh no not the beast from the east"!!!
Noel then runs through Carol's board and says we are also off the smut'ometer!!!
14 - £750 Newbie Claire
The banker says he is really irritated that the last box wasn't the £250,000! He offers
£11,200… Carol says that is quite generous, and Noel replies, well why don't you shove off then!! Carol replies that I've got too much to fall back on... Carol says
Round 3
4 - 1p
Carol asks for a trumpet from Norman, and he obliges!
10 - £3,000
16 - £100,000 Groans for that
The banker says it's a fascinating board, and there is a blue ladder on the left… He offers £12,000… Carol says she has many chats with Alan and Rossano, and Alan says the offers are based on the £250,000 still being there, and if it goes there is a big drop to the next value... Carol says
Round 4
21 - £250,000
15 - £10,000
This is not good says Noel
2 - 10p
It's beautifully balanced now says Noel... 4 reds and 4 blues... The banker points out how right Alan was about the influence of the £250,000... He offers £3,700… Carol tells Noel that she just wants a lump sum to be able to treat a few people, and it’s
Round 5
22 - £50,000 Big groans
20 - £100
11 - £1
Now what are you thinking asks Noel, and Carol replies that she is wondering what the banker will be offering... The Banker offers £2,700… Carol says
Round 6
6 - £500
1 - £5,000
9 - £1,000
It’s time for The Banker with £10 and £15,000 remaining…
Noel tells the banker that he can't wait to pull the seal of the £15,000 that is sat in front of Carol, and the banker replies he is working out how much he needs to get her out of the chair... He offers £3,800… Carol asks Rossano what he would do if he was sat in the chair, and he replies that he doesn't want to see Carol go home with nothing… Carol says
The banker calls and offers the SWAP… Carol says
Noel opens Carol’s box 5 and reveals £15,000
Box 18 contains the £10