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Deal or No Deal Game Stats for
Di 28/03/07

Below you will find a complete game breakdown for above game of Deal or No Deal.

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Round 1

Box No.
Bankers offer
No Deal

Round 2

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 3

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 4

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 5

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 6

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Contestants Box


Remaining box - 12
Di takes home

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Di's Deal or No Deal Game Report

Noel welcomes us to the dream factory wearing his raspberry ripple shirt today!! He re-titles the show this week to "I think I'm going to regret this", running through both Kelsie's and Rich's games. Noel asks for no regrets today and wants The Banker humbled today!

It’s Di’s turn to take the walk of wealth today, and she does so with box 11, she looks very shocked at being picked and a little concerned about her top... Di is from Chelmsford, Essex - She says she is the original Essex girl. She has her husband in the audience for support today.

Noel talks about Di's interest in Naturism, and he tells her that she is not the only one and says all the crew are well!! There is then a clip of all the crew in the studio today walking around naked with carefully placed red boxes!!

Di has a system if she can remember it…

Round 1
1 - 50p Big cheers for the blue start
3 - £3,000 Newbie Barry
5 - £500 More cheers
Is the system all the odd numbers first?
7 - £1
9 - £750

Great start says Noel, as Di wonders how many boxes she has opened. The Banker says he has joined in with the naturist theme! He is letting the air get to it! His skin!! He then offers£15,000, that is lovely says Di, thank you... Di says NO DEAL

Round 2
Di has forgotten her system, but Jay reminds her that she has 11 so needs 13 next, and Di replies with shock that he's worked out her system!!

13 - £100,000 Groans for the first of the power 5
A half-hearted attempt at starting a blue chant
15 - £50,000 More groans
This is worrying now says Noel...
17 - £35,000 WOW says Noel

That is one of the most destructive rounds I've seen in months says Noel, and Di replies that good always come from bad. The Banker says that they are both odd, Di and her system are increasingly odd!! He then offers £1,000, which receives groans, but Di says she deserved it after that round, she then says NO DEAL

Round 3
Di says she is going to do something different now and misses out 19

21 - £10,000
Di says you all expect me to go to 23 now don't you!! She decides to go random now as she realises there aren’t 23 boxes! It's blue shirts next
The blue chants start
14 - £5 Big cheers
More chants
6 - £5,000

The Banker wants to give Di a shock, and she asks if he is coming out in the nude!! He offers £16,500, Di says NO DEAL

Round 4
Di looks for more blue tops, but goes for green next, as it's similar to blue!
Chants start again
18 - £50
More chants
19 - 1p The studio goes wild for the 1p
Di is struggling to find someone in green so goes for yellow next.
Blue chants
4 - £10 Cheers

An all blue round says Noel, and Di asks was that 3!! The Banker offers £30,000, and there are gasps for that offer. Noel goes to Di's hubby who says it's a nice amount of money, but Di replies that she came to play the game though. She asks Jay for some advice, and he replies that if she thinks positive she can go one more round. Di says NO DEAL

Round 5
Blue chants
10 - £75,000 Chants turn to groans...
More chants
16 - £250 Kerry in blue reveals a blue
More chants
2 - £1,000 Big cheers

Noel asks if the £250,000 has come to the table again. The Banker believes that it's highly unlikely that twice in a week the £250,000 will be on the table... He then offers £44,000, Di says she doesn't know if she should sit or stand! Noel says it's a massive gamble at the moment, and he asks the audience to stand if they would deal - Most do... Kerry points out that there is no fallback if the £250,000 goes now and she won't see the £44,000 again if it does. Di says she will regret this... NO DEAL

The audience love that decision as Kerry looks on in total shock

Round 6
Blue chants...
22 - £250,000 The chants fall silent as Di says what a silly Billy!
More chants
8 - £100
More chants
12 - £15,000

It’s time for The Banker with 10p and £20,000 remaining, he offers £8,000.

Noel asks if that is an easy decision for Di and Di turns to her hubby, who says it's up to you. Di says DEAL

Noel opens box 11 and reveals £20,000... There are groans all around the studio

Box 20 contains 10p

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