Well it's been an interesting week so far in the show, what will todays game hold in store for us? Noel runs through Karen's game yesterday and the perfect game she played, the £250,000 gets it's build up again as it's been absent from the 'pound table' for so long now!
It's Howard's turn to take his turn in the 'Crazy Chair', he has box 12 today, will the banker keep his promise of the highest opening round offer ever? Howard is from Staines and says he is lucky and likes a little gamble and playing poker, he has one regret in life is that one christmas he met a Spanish girl and then lost her number He is a little unsure from where in Spain she was from as he a sherry or 2
Noel says the banker knows Howard as his money mate and he loves him!! It should be an interesting game today as Howard has had some great banter with Noel and the banker while waiting in the wings.
Round 1
5 - £250
6 - £15,000 a few ohhhs
8 - 10p Cheers for the low blue
Nalini has a bit of banter with Noel about her hotel antics!!!
4 - 1p
7 - £75,000 groans all around
Howard says it's a good start, and Noel asks if he thinks the banker still loves him, Howard says of course he does! The banker says Howard is his chum and tells Noel there is a gift for him under the desk! It's a card from the banker with a poem for him! The banker then makes an opeing offer of £18,000. There is the big offer he promised the other day for Howard. Howard says it is a fantastic offer and Noel asks is that enough for him to go, Howard says that is a lot of money but NO DEAL.
Round 2
10 - £50
1 - £100,000 BIG GROANS for that one
Noel talks about how exposed the £250,000 is now!
11 - £250,000 Oh dear!!
It's a horrible round for Howard and it will be difficult for the banker to keep his high offers going here! Noel asks Howard what he is thinking, he says it's 18 rated!!! The banker calls and Noel asks what the banker thinks of Howard now, he says he loves him EVEN MORE!! He then offers £1,800. That offer gets gasps from the audience, but Howard remains positive, he says NO DEAL.
Round 3
Noel asks for an all blue round
9 - £50,000 it gets worse!!!
2 - £10 Big cheers for the blue
14 - £100 more cheers
Noel tells Howard to refocus now and concentrate on whats left on the board, Ned gives some solid advice. The banker says that 4 of the power 5 going in 5 boxes has touched him, and offers £4,018. Howard goes for a sweep and most say NO DEAL, Gaz says Deal based on his luck so far, Howard says NO DEAL.
Round 4
Howard gets BIG support from the audience
3 - £20,000 Groans from Howard and the whole studio
13 - £5 Cheers for the blue
Noel talks about the turnaround, Howard says he is not much for the shouting and cheering but says to keep it up as he appreciates it.
16 - £1,000
Howard says the whole game has changed, but thanks everyone for their support. Howard hints at possibly not going all the way, when Noel asks. The banker calls and offers £3,000, it receives groans from the audience, but Noel says it is fair when you look at the board. Howard says NO DEAL.
Round 5
19 - £5,000 groans for yet another red
15 - £35,000 OH NO!!!!! £10,000 is the highest red now
More chants
18 - £750
Noel says it's not the strongest board he's ever seen and Howard agrees. The banker says he is still a member of the Howard fan club and offers £1,500. Howard goes to Gaz, and he doesn't know what to say as it's all gone wrong today, but says the £1,500 is still a lot of money, Howard says NO DEAL.
Round 6
Noel says that Howard deserves the £10,000 now....
17 - £10,000 Amazing!!!! How unlucky!!!!!
20 - £500
21 - £3,000
Another horrible round and Howard just could not get a break in his game! The final 2 amounts remaing are 50p and £1. The banker calls and offers Howard the highest amount he can £0.75. Noel asks if he wants a sweep, Howard says he has met some smashing people and had a great time. Noel mentions that no-one has ever won the 50p, so he could get a first and a place in the hall of fame if he goes on to win it. Howard says NO DEAL.
Noel opens Howard's box 12 and reveals £1!!! There are groans all around as it's not the 50p, box 22 contains the 50p.
Howard had a horrible game today and just never had any luck in the rounds, it was set up to be an entertaining game as he had lots of banter with the banker and Noel while on the wings and some of it still came through, but it could have been so much more. It does pose the question of will someone soon take a high opening offer and run, rather than risking it all in a game that could go so wrong......