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Deal or No Deal Game Stats for
Jeff 25/10/06

Below you will find a complete game breakdown for above game of Deal or No Deal.

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Round 1

Box No.
Bankers offer


No Deal

Round 2

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 3

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 4

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 5

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Round 6 - Proveout Round

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Contestants Box


Remaining box - 13
Jeff takes home

Jeff's Game Report

Noel runs through the past 2 games and the disastrous starts of those games. Noel encourages the contestants to play with courage to beat the banker, and also talks about the £250,000 still being absent from the pound table.

It's Jeff 'Break a Leg' today and he has box 3. Jeff is a toastmaster, and he reveals he is not adverse to gambling so could provide an interesting battle with the banker. Jeff has a few pics of his 50th birthday, he also has his son with him who has travelled over from Australia.

Round 1
Jeff gets a 'break a leg' quote
18 - £50,000
And another 'break a leg'
15 - £75,000
1 - 10p
19 - £5
14 - £10,000

Jeff says it's an interesting start and he wants to end up with £100,000 and £250,000 remaining and those values are still in play. The banker says he considers Jeff to be the most committed gambler to date, and wishes Jeff to break BOTH legs!!!! He then makes an offer of £10,000. It's a very nice offer with those amounts being knocked out, but probably that high as the banker knows that Jeff being a gambler will not deal. Jeff asks for a sweep and there are all NO DEALS apart from one DEAL! He then says NO DEAL

Round 2
20 - £50
9 - £3,000
22 - £500

Noel asks Jeff what he thinks about the long absence of the £250,000, he says that everyone keeps thinking it is going to be today. The banker says 'MacBeth MacBeth MacBeth' good luck Jeff!! He then offers £17,000. Jeff says NO DEAL

Round 3
21 - £1
Someone shouts 'we want the 1p next'
12 - 1p It works - We find it was his son who shouted that out
4 - £20,000 a few oohhss for that one

Noel says he is enjoying this game at the moment after the past few days, but will not get over-excited. He then laughs down the phone at the banker!!! The banker then offers
£27,000, Jeff's son advises him to keep playing, Jeff says NO DEAL

Round 4
Noel talks about the 'crash and burn round' after a big offer is turned down!
2 - £35,000 ohhhs
6 - £100
17 - £5,000

The banker says he does not know what Jeff's exit fee is and offers £36,000. Jeff says it's a LOT of money, he asks for his son to join him. Noel moves out the way as they both dwarf poor Noel! Jeff's son believes that his dad has the conviction to go for it and play on with the top 2 values in play. Jeff says NO DEAL

The studio love that decision, Jeff says 3 more blues and we are there

Round 5
16 - 50p BIG CHEERS
7 - £750 MORE CHEERS and chants of 'C'MON JEFF'
11 - £10 WOW

The perfect all blue round and the studio erupts!!!! Noel says there is total silence on the end of the phone, the banker finally makes an offer of £64,000. Jeff says he had a dream a few weeks ago and he had the top 2 numbers left in that dream, the only difference was he was offered £67,000!! The banker calls back and speaks to Jeff, Jeff tells him not to beg like that!! He says the banker has an interesting voice, and then says DEAL

Round 6 - Proveout round
Noel points out this is a fascinating game and the bankers offer was very clever, Jeff hints that he would have gone on if it was under £60,000
10 - £1,000
5 - £250
8 - £250,000 PHEW... BIG relief all around there!!!

Banker would have made an offer of £55,000 with £100,000 and £15,000 in play.

Jeff says he would have gone on there and said NO DEAL.

Noel opens Jeff's box 3 and reveals £100,000, box 13 contains £15,000
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