Noel welcomes us to another day at the dream, and talks of the countdown to the big game on Friday. He runs through the contrasts in the games so far this week, with Kathleen’s amazing board that she kept throughout her whole game and Steve where he just didn’t get any breaks.
It’s Kay’s turn to take the walk of wealth today, and she does so with box 1. Noel jumps up and down to talk to Kay, and says he really needs Rita's box, as Kay is so tall. Kay is the captain of the local pool team, which consists of mainly men. We get to see a picture of Kay's son, and she tells Noel that she is a bit of a gambler but only bets what she can afford to lose. She tells Noel that there is one special number that people have given to her, but she won't reveal it to Noel...
Round 1
4 - £100,000 OH ERR says Noel
21 - £500 Noel points out the letterbox that is at the bottom of the board now.
20 - £5,000
9 - £10
22 - £5 Newbie Vicky
It's not too bad a board says Kay, and she has seen worse. Noel tells the banker that it's 3 days until Friday, which could be an expensive day for him. The banker says that Kay is his kind of woman, an Amazonian… He then offers £7,100… It's a lot of money says Kay, and she could do a lot with that.... Kay says
Round 2
16 - £250,000 Big groans
11 - £75,000 OH NO says Noel...
It’s Sophie next, and she predicts the 1p
2 - 1p
Kay says the banker will be scared now with the 1p gone, and Noel replies I don't think he will be scared, perhaps a little concerned. The banker confirms that he is not scared by the 1p going, and offers £4,000… Kay says
Round 3
6 - 50p Big cheers
13 - £1 More cheers and this is a lot better says Noel
10 - 10p
Kay gets her much needed all blue round, and it’s the perfect round says Noel... Kay tells Noel she was going to wear heels today, and Noel replies so was I!! The banker says the chances of Kay doing what she just did are about a quarter of one percent, and he then offers £10,000… The banker asks for Jon's comments on the offer! Jon replies that the average for the board is about £12,000, and he expected a lower offer... Mark tells Kay that it's just as easy to take out 3 reds in the next round... Kay says
Round 4
8 - £15,000
7 - £1,000
5 - £50
Noel asks Jon what the offer will be, he thinks about £15,000, Mike thinks £12-15,000, and a few others on the west wing all say between £10-£15,000. The banker calls and says he is disgusted with all the contestants on the west wing! As they have been there for ages and still can't predict the offers!!! Noel goes over to the west wing and asks them what their predictions are again, Noel says they are all pathetic as they all got it wrong!! The Banker offer is £12,946.20!! Kay asks Frazer for his advice and he calls her Big Bird, which is his nickname for her! Alan tells Kay to think carefully about this offer, as it's very fair for the board. Kay says
Round 5
18 - £3,000
14 - £10,000 That is sort of alright says Noel
3 - £250 Big cheers
Right this is a lot better says Noel, and he then goes over to the west wing to get their predictions again. Most of them make up really long offers!! Noel asks the banker if the west wing is getting nearer in their offers, and he replies they are fast learners. He then says this is an offer for Big Bird, and its brought to us today by the numbers 1, 8 and the letter K!! The offer is £18,000… Kay gets lots of advice, and is told to be careful that she doesn't end up chasing the money, as this is a great offer... Kay says
Round 6 - Proveout round
12 - £100 That is exactly the box we would have wanted says Noel
19 - £50,000 YES, YES says Noel
Kay reveals that 17 is her special box
15 - £750 NO, NO, NO ARGGGHHH says Noel
It’s time for The Banker with £20,000 and £35,000 remaining, and he would have offered £26,000… Kay tells Noel it's about having the bottle to go all the way, and she didn't want to go home with nothing...
Noel opens Kay’s box 1 and reveals £35,000
Box 17 contains £20,000