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Deal or No Deal Game Stats for
Kelly 05/11/06

Below you will find a complete game breakdown for above game of Deal or No Deal.

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Round 1

Box No.
Bankers offer


No Deal

Round 2

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 3

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 4

Box No.
Bankers Offers
No Deal

Round 5

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Round 6 - Proveout Round

Box No.
Bankers Offers

Contestants Box


Remaining box - 12
Kelly takes home

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Kelly's Game Report

Will there be fireworks in today's game? (Sorry couldn’t resist that) Well there are no fireworks in the studio although Noel's shirt is setting my TV screen ablaze!!!! All the contestants are wrapped in their hats and scarves for bonfire night and the boxes are black with little rockets on them. Howard gets a mention for his horrible game on Friday.

We also learn that they are looking for more contestants for next year’s shows and full details will be given at the end of the show.

It's Kelly's turn to take the walk of wealth today and she does so with box 11, we learn that Kelly is adventurous and did work experience in the army while at school! She has Spencer bear for luck and also a small crystal pyramid, although the crystal is broken! Kelly doesn't have a system although she has 2 important numbers, and one of them is 12.

Round 1
20 - £50
19 - £10
5 - 10p
16 - £250,000 Gasps for that one and shrieks from Kelly
6 - £750

Kelly says the banker is a lovely man, although it didn't sound too convincing. The banker reels off a couple of puns by saying Kelly is a sparkler and she makes his blood pressure rocket, he then offers £1,605, the offer relates to the year of the special day today! Kelly says NO DEAL.

Round 2
21 - £20,000 Silence at first for that one
13 - £500 cheers
9 - £50,000 Big groans for that one

Kelly says she has never felt that she would leave the game with nothing, Noel tells the banker that yes Kelly is worried. Noel says that she is starting to get respect from the banker, who offers £7,000. Kelly goes to her mum who says there is still more in the game, Gaz says the same, Kelly says NO DEAL.

Round 3
Kelly applies Mally's law to the next box...
22 - £75,000 It doesn't work!!!!
7 - £250 big cheers for that one
Neil does a great 1p for the guy line!!
18 - £3,000

Kelly starts to choose her next box and Noel starts whispering 'Kelly don't do it'! Noel tries to cover the fact that Kelly forgot how many boxes she had opened. The banker wants to speak to Kelly's mum! The banker asks Kelly's mum how much she owes her, but Kelly shouts out DON'T TELL him... The banker then calls back with the offer and says he has increased it as he was impressed with Kelly's mum and offers £9,000. Kelly goes to Rachael who says it's a great offer but she would go on, Steve says the same, Kelly says NO DEAL.

Round 4
14 - 50p BIG cheers for the blue
17 - £5,000
Neil gives a great speech about playing her own game and not letting other games influence her game, and to play her own game.
15 - £100

Noel puts on his posh voice for the banker! He makes an offer of £12,500. Kelly seems a little surprised by the offer and asks for a sweep, it's about 50/50..... Kelly says she really wants to play the game, and says NO DEAL. The pilgrims love that decision!

Round 5
10 - £1,000 cheers for the low red
3 - 1p The studio goes wild as does Kelly
2 - £35,000 gasps from the audience

Kelly says I've still got the £100,000 which Noel also says to the banker, the banker offers
£12,500, he sticks! That's a tester for Kelly and she gets some advice from her mum, Kelly says DEAL.

Round 6 - Proveout round
Kelly can't look as the boxes are opened
8 - £5
1 - £1 Gasps from the audience as only reds remain
4 - £15,000

That would have been a superb round with £100,000 and £10,000 remaining. Kelly says she doesn't want to hear what the offer would have been so Noel wraps a scarf around her head!!
The banker would have offered £45,000 and Kelly says she would have dealt there.

Noel asks if she were offered the swap would she have done, she says yes so Noel swaps the boxes! Box 12 now sits in front of Kelly, Noel opens it and reveals £10,000, and box 11 has the £100,000.

If Kelly had played out the game as she said, she has actually made a good decision, as she would have given away the £100,000. Although it's a situation that would have never happened as Kelly would have dealt the £45,000 offer.

At the end of the show we learn that they are now looking for contestants to play next year on the show, Noel says he is looking forward to meeting us and then we get the details of how to apply. If anyone is interested in applying you need to phone Noel says he is looking forward to meeting us 09013 263 244, Calls cost 75p and lines are open for a VERY limited time!!!!


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