A devious sounding Noel does the intro today in a disturbing stripy purple shirt!! He talks about Darren's great beating of the banker, and asks for more of his courage today to produce a similar or better win.
It's Susan's turn at the pound table today and she has box 8, she bows to Noel before she takes her seat and Noel whispers that he wants to tell her something!! It's that her shoes don't go with her outfit!! She told Noel before the show that she hoped she wasn't picked, as her shoes didn't match her outfit! She tells Noel that she speaks her mind, so could be an interesting game. We get to see some pics and they are of orphans that Susan sponsors so that they are taken care of, she tells us that 20% of her winnings will be going to help further with that support
Round 1
17 - £5
1 - £3,000
2 - £250,000 Susan says it's a new game now and the target is £100,000
13 - £20,000
7 - £50 Newbie Nigel
Susan says she is disappointed with the £250,000 going, but it's a new game now with the
£100,000. Susan let slip to the banker that she had 3 offers of proposals of marriage that she declined and the banker said she will accept her 4th offer today!! The banker has a poem for Susan and it ends calling Susan a fruitcake!! Susan replies with a great comeback, which shocks the banker!! He then offers £9,500
Nice start says Susan, but Noel replies it's not how you start... Susan says
Round 2
18 - £1,000
19 - 10p
Noel says he noticed something on Susan's file and it was if Susan won a nice sum of money she would use it for a tummy tuck and liposuction, Noel disappears and comes back with a vacuum cleaner and then a large bucket!!!
22 - £100
The banker says that he thinks Susan's shoes will good at the end of his bed!! He then offers £13,000
Noel asks Susan about the 3 declined proposals, the first one was because he was a teacher and too smart, the second was too handsome, and the third was too skinny!! The banker calls straight back and says he is in!! As he is stupid, ugly and fat!!! Noel delves more into the proposal with the teacher and it all gets rather surreal!! Susan says
Round 3
4 - 1p Big cheers all around
15 - £10 More cheers
11 - £500
A great all blue round for Susan and Noel says It's good isn't it. The Banker calls and offers £23,000, Susan says the board is telling her that there is a lot more in the game, but then says
Round 4
10 - £10,000
Blue chants start
14 - £750 Big cheers as it is indeed a blue
Susan picks Jayne next, but then changes her mind! Blue chants start
3 - £35,000 Was it a wise move?
Susan says the £100,000 is still there and that's what she is aiming for. The banker calls and says it's the 4th offer for Susan now and he is on his knees!! He offers £26,000, he tries some mind games with his £26,000 offer, which a number of contestants have dealt for in the past, Susan says
Round 5
Susan goes to Jayne now
16 - £5,000 Should have stuck with Jayne in the last round
Blue chants start
9 - £1
21 - £50,000 Groans for that one, Noel says that 2 days running for Debbie and the £50,000
Noel says you can still win the £100,000. The banker says he is now on both knees for this next offer of £30,000. Noel says that is a massive offer and to really think about this, Susan goes to Lee and he says he is frightened to offer any advice, as he doesn't want to influence her the wrong way. Susan says
Round 6
5 - £250 Big cheers for the blue
6 - £15,000 More cheers
Blue chants start
20 - £75,000 Arrrghhh says Noel
It's time for the Banker with 50p and £100,000 remaining. This is not a charity says the banker he is only interested in business!! He offers £42,000, Noel says Susan got that offer through raw courage. Susan says she thinks her box has the £100,000 though... After some thought Susan says
Noel says you horrible lady what have you put us all through, oh my word I thought you was going all the way!! He wonders if Susan can pull off another big win over the banker as Darren did yesterday. Susan says she now believes that the £100,000 is in box 12
Noel opens Susan's box 8 and reveals 50p, box 12 contains the £100,000. The whole studio and Susan go wild as she produces the perfect game.
Susan plays the perfect game and that's two days in a row the perfect game has been played and the contestant has gone away with £42,000.